Can I return products and receive a refund?

All sales are final. We do not take products back after they have been shipped out. If there is a problem with your order or the product you received please email us directly at Info@CocoMaven.com and we will work to resolve the issue. 

How often should I wash my beard?

We recommend you wash your beard 2-3 times per week.

How often should I wash my hair?

We recommend you wash your hair as often as you feel necessary based on your hair needs. Finding the right product to support your hair journey is extremely important. Be sure to read the descriptions of each product to determine how they should be used. 

Are all the products Vegan?

No, you can find the product ingredients on the back of the bottles. 

Can these products be used on kids hair?

Yes, but they are NOT tear free products. Therefore, you will need to be careful when washing and rinsing the product out. 

When should I see results after using CoCo Maven/Mahogany Man products?

We recommend using CoCo Maven products exclusively for 4-6 weeks to determine best results.